First day of the trip 25.10.2021

At 9 AM we visited the honourable Vice chancellor residence where he guided the students and flag off the geological field training program. On the way to Chittorgarh we first visited the Newania carbonatite body. This carbonatite body is rare igneous rock which intruded Unthala granite of 2.9 MY. This carbonatite body is important for the exploration of Rare Earth Elements and radioactive minerals. After lunch at Mangalwar we stopped near Gosunda dam where the exposure of Khardeola sandstone are well exposed. This sandstone can have commercial value as they contain more than 97 percentage SiO2 . In the ceramic and glass industry it is very important. Later on we stopped at village Bhojunda where the students have seen the National Geological Monument of stramatolite.This stramatolites are of lower Vindhyan age and non phosphatic The last stoppage was at Berach river section where the impressions of deformation due to Great Boundary Fault are present in form microfold microfault and striations. After the field work at 5 pm we reached at Sawaliya guest house for the night stay. After the dinner at 8:30 pm all students gathered again and had a discussion and revision of whole day field training. The meeting ended with the further planning of tomorrow's field spots.
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